Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet the Deputies, part 1

San Diego is represented at GC2012 by our Bishop, and our Deputies, 4 each from the clergy and the laity. We asked the members of the delegation to tell us a little about themselves and to finish the following sentence: "My hope for GC2012 is...." .  We'll be sharing the responses with you over the next week. Here's the first group:

The Right Rev. James Mathes, Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego

My hope for GC2012 is that we make courageous decisions to transform our church structures and budget so that we will be the missional church of the 21st century that we are called to be.

The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas, Sub-Dean, St Paul's Cathedral, and Chair of the Deputation

My biggest hope for GC2012 is by the grace of God, we are generous in spirit towards one another, allow for creativity in our thinking and acting, and willing to to see beyond what is and instead focus on what can be. Towards that end, I hope we will come out of GC2012 a more inclusive church, focused on mission and being better disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Andrew Green, rector of St. Paul in the Desert in Palm Springs.

My greatest hope for GC2012 is that we will have a consensus around being the Episcopal Church that can worship Christ while caring for the world and one another.

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